

The compound effect

ANGIE’S INSIGHT OF THE WEEK: I’ve been spending a bit of time over the past few weeks planning my financial future. And a concept that I was previously vaguely aware of has really come into the forefront of my mind… compounding.Continue reading


Musings from a recent podcast

ANGIE’S INSIGHT OF THE WEEK: I’ve really got into listening to podcasts this last year. They seem to be the only thing that motivate me to keep going when I am exercising. Forget the fitness pop music mix. Give me TED Talks or Richard Fidler’s Conversations any day! I just get so engrossed in the conversations that they take my mind off the fact that I am about to collapse from exhaustion or muscle fatigue!Continue reading


Flexing my JDI muscle

ANGIE’S INSIGHT OF THE WEEK: I had an epiphany of sorts recently. I’m a planner. We know this about me. After all, I am a business strategist. So planning is what I do best. And while planning is important and necessary, sometimes there comes a time when planning must stop and doing must start.Continue reading