Welcome to the Peer Business Consulting Blog, written by Angeline Zaghloul.
Here you can get research, advice and tips on key issues facing startups, small and medium businesses. We’ll also bring you real case studies which we hope will help you establish, stabilise and grow your business.
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The immediate power of decluttering
ANGIE’S INSIGHT OF THE WEEK: I recently experienced the power of decluttering first hand. And it was almost immediate.Continue reading→
Why I’m banishing guilt from my life
ANGIE’S INSIGHT OF THE WEEK: I was chatting to a good friend of mine on Saturday and she said something very profound to me.Continue reading→
How to beat procrastination
Procrastination is putting off doing something for later when we know we should be doing it now. Or yesterday. Or last week. Most of us procrastinate, however some do it much more than others. So what makes us procrastinate? What makes some people more likely to procrastinate than others? And how can we beat procrastination and save ourselves a lot of angst?Continue reading→