
Startups: the truth no-one tells you

You can forgive many startups for their dreamy-eyed aspirations of overnight success. Online media is full of stories of billion dollar companies which were seemingly created on the smell of an oily rag – in a minute – by a business-savvy student or IT nerd with a big idea. Names like Facebook, Google, Dropbox, Uber and Snapchat all come to mind.Continue reading


Peer News July 2015 is out now!

Peer News July 2015, our digital newsletter, is out now!

In this month’s issue of Peer News july:

  • We bring you not 1 but 3 FREE Downloads on the top 3 challenges facing small business owners today.
  • We highlight our latest Blog articles including our Zero Inbox article from Modewest Magazine and we question if the customer really is always right.
  • We announce our next FREE workshop at The Lounge.
  • And as usual, we give you lots of useful links and motivation to keep you inspired.

Subscribe to get your FREE copy today.

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Let’s talk about cash, baby! 28 ways to manage your everyday money

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of presenting another workshop at The Lounge presented by Modewest Magazine. And this time we talked about – you name it – CASH! Well actually we talked about cashflows… and budgets… and how to manage our everyday money as business owners.  Another excellent day with great participation and engagement by all, especially given the confronting nature of the topic!Continue reading