Welcome to the Peer Business Consulting Blog, written by Angeline Zaghloul.
Here you can get research, advice and tips on key issues facing startups, small and medium businesses. We’ll also bring you real case studies which we hope will help you establish, stabilise and grow your business.
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3 biggest customer service no-no’s
I can’t think of many (if any) businesses or professions that don’t have customers or clients. They are consumers of our products, users of our services, or may just be people or groups within our own organisation that rely on us in some way.Continue reading→
Video: 5 mistakes most businesses make when writing their business plan
In this week’s video blog, I pick up from the last video on why all serious businesses need a Business Plan.
I reveal the 5 common mistakes most businesses make when writing their business plan.Continue reading→
The funny thing about motivation
I’ve been working on a project for a large organisation for the past six months and recently we’ve run into some delays that were out of our control. That has meant that much of the work on the project has had to slow down. As someone who does her best work when there’s a lot to do and when deadlines are looming, I’ve been struggling to stay motivated and enthusiastic.Continue reading→