
The funny thing about motivation

I’ve been working on a project for a large organisation for the past six months and recently we’ve run into some delays that were out of our control. That has meant that much of the work on the project has had to slow down. As someone who does her best work when there’s a lot to do and when deadlines are looming, I’ve been struggling to stay motivated and enthusiastic.Continue reading


Peer News July 2016 is out now!

The July 2016 issue of Peer News, our digital newsletter, is out now!

Happy new (financial) year, everyone!

The year has just flown by for us. We’ve finished some great projects over the past half year, we marked our first year anniversary with many of our clients and in a couple of months, Peer Business Consulting will be two years old!

In this issue of Peer News:

  • We reflect on the past six months of accomplishments;
  • We give some tips on what to do if a client won’t pay their bills and how to avoid it happening again;
  • We tell you all about the seven most common mistakes small businesses and startups make, particularly when they are in their early days; and
  • We give you some useful links and motivation to keep you inspired.

Subscribe to get your FREE copy today.

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What to do if a client won’t pay

Many business owners have suffered the misfortune of a client who won’t pay their bills. Sometimes the reason for the lack of payment is simply that the client forgot, or is short of funds, and most cases are resolved favourably.

But what if you’ve taken all the “friendly” options, i.e. phone call reminder, email reminder attaching another copy of the invoice, offered a payment plan, but still the client does not pay?Continue reading