
Welcome to my new video series: #AskMeOnMonday

Hi guys, you might have seen on my social media pages that I’ve now launched #AskMeOnMonday. I’m really excited as this is my first foray into video, and I get to connect with you all face to face and at the same time hopefully give you useful advice that you can apply to your business.

So what is #AskMeOnMonday all about?

Calling all business owners and entrepreneurs! Is there a particular business issue keeping you up at night? Are you stuck with a decision and need help weighing up pros and cons? Do you need some time management or efficiency tips?

#AskMeOnMonday is all about sharing information on common business problems and helping you make real improvements in your day-to-day business life.


So go ahead and ask me your questions by emailing me and each week I’ll choose a question and publish a video response to that question on the following Monday.

Who knows, it might be yours so go ahead and get asking!

Peer-Business-Consulting-Angeline-Zaghloul-5What did you think of this article? Post your comments and questions below. And if you found this useful, please share with your networks.

About the Author: Angeline Zaghloul is an expert in business strategy, client management and business processes, and is the Managing Director of Peer Business Consulting, a Sydney-based consultancy providing strategy and operations support to startups and SMEs. Angeline also publishes a regular blog which provides research, advice and tips on key issues facing businesses.

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