Welcome to the Peer Business Consulting Blog, written by Angeline Zaghloul.
Here you can get research, advice and tips on key issues facing startups, small and medium businesses. We’ll also bring you real case studies which we hope will help you establish, stabilise and grow your business.
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Inward looking out
ANGIE’S INSIGHT OF THE WEEK: Do you observe your own imperfections in other people? For example, if you’re paranoid about a certain aspect of your appearance, do you notice it in other people?Continue reading→
What’s your responsibility to the world?
ANGIE’S INSIGHT OF THE WEEK: I’ve been listening to a lot of TED talks lately. And one thing that’s common amongst most of the speakers is that they’ve used their education and experience to bring about real change in the world. Positive change. And as usual, this got me thinking…Continue reading→