
The “Catch-22s” of starting and running a business

In my consulting practice, I come across business owners at all stages of their business’ life. This week, I realised that starting and running a business is full of Catch-22 scenarios. For those not familiar with the term, a Catch-22 is a requirement that cannot be met until a prerequisite requirement is met, however, the prerequisite cannot be met until the original requirement is met.Continue reading


When Opportunity Comes Knocking

I’ve never been one for superstition and hokum but I have always believed that if you live your life with purpose and put your intentions “out there”, somehow everything you want will come to you.

Goodness knows there are many areas of my life that need work but interestingly my career was never a problem area. So when I decided to start my own business five months ago, it never occurred to me that it would be not be a success. I knew it would be hard work and quite challenging at times, but I was absolutely sure it would come off.Continue reading