Hi guys, you might have seen on my social media pages that I’ve now launched #AskMeOnMonday. I’m really excited as this is my first foray into video, and I get to connect with you all face to face and at the same time hopefully give you useful advice that you can apply to your business.
Category Archives: Strategy & planning
Why marketing strategy is like baking a cake
Those of you who know me, know that I like to use metaphors in my blog articles. And here’s a doozy…
Marketing strategy is just like baking a cake.
Don’t roll your eyes yet. Stick with me – I promise it will be worthwhile.Continue reading
Business success: a marathon not a sprint
Long before I started my own business, I knew that it would be hard work. And I knew that success wouldn’t come overnight. But I truly believed that once I was on the path and generally moving in the direction of my goals, it would be smooth sailing all the way to the finish line… A bit like a sprint.
Startups: the truth no-one tells you
You can forgive many startups for their dreamy-eyed aspirations of overnight success. Online media is full of stories of billion dollar companies which were seemingly created on the smell of an oily rag – in a minute – by a business-savvy student or IT nerd with a big idea. Names like Facebook, Google, Dropbox, Uber and Snapchat all come to mind.Continue reading
To niche or not to niche
Since I started my own business, almost every marketing and sales blog, advice column and guru I’ve read or heard has touted the absolute imperative of finding your market niche. That little pocket of the market that is all yours. That oasis where there are lovely hungry clients, with deep pockets and big chequebooks, that need your services – not those of your competitors – and are willing to pay premium price for them.Continue reading