
Peer News January 2015 is out now!

We are excited to announce our first digital newsletter, PEER NEWS, is out now!

Read on to get a sneak peak at the January Issue and find out how you can subscribe to Peer News.

What is Peer News?

Peer-Business-Consulting-Peer-News-January-2015Peer News is a monthly e-newsletter full of useful articles and links, and motivation for startup and small business owners. Each month, you’ll see a feature article from the Peer Business Consulting Blog, plus other popular posts during the month.

Plus you get exclusive content not available anywhere else, such as a FREE Checklist or Process Download which you can start using in your business today.

And if you need help specially tailored to your own business needs, we’ll offer a discount or deal each month as a special bonus.

Sneak peak at January Issue

Here’s a sneak peak at the contents of the January Issue:

Message from me

JANUARY FEATURE: Ready to start a business? 10 questions to ask

From our Blog
– The 5 most important small business lessons
– 3 secrets to exceptional customer service

JANUARY FREE DOWNLOAD: Business Planning Checklist

Useful links and motivation


How to sign up

Sign up here and get your copy straight to your inbox today.

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