
Musings from a recent podcast

ANGIE’S INSIGHT OF THE WEEK: I’ve really got into listening to podcasts this last year. They seem to be the only thing that motivate me to keep going when I am exercising. Forget the fitness pop music mix. Give me TED Talks or Richard Fidler’s Conversations any day! I just get so engrossed in the conversations that they take my mind off the fact that I am about to collapse from exhaustion or muscle fatigue!Continue reading


Flexing my JDI muscle

ANGIE’S INSIGHT OF THE WEEK: I had an epiphany of sorts recently. I’m a planner. We know this about me. After all, I am a business strategist. So planning is what I do best. And while planning is important and necessary, sometimes there comes a time when planning must stop and doing must start.Continue reading


How to beat procrastination

Procrastination is putting off doing something for later when we know we should be doing it now. Or yesterday. Or last week. Most of us procrastinate, however some do it much more than others. So what makes us procrastinate? What makes some people more likely to procrastinate than others? And how can we beat procrastination and save ourselves a lot of angst?Continue reading