
How to make (and keep) client promises

It’s the beginning of a new year, and if you’re like me, you’ll be reflecting on your lessons learned from 2014 and making your list of improvements for the coming year.

One of your key areas for improvements might be delivering better on your client promises. In an earlier blog post, I said that one of the 3 secrets to exceptional customer service was setting realistic expectations with your client. In other words, we need to make client promises that we can actually keep.Continue reading


3 secrets to exceptional customer service

We all expect it but we struggle to do it. I’m talking about good customer service. And not just good. Exceptional. In stores, at restaurants, in business. And if we’re the one on the giving end, it can be very difficult to juggle all our competing priorities and still remember to schmooze our clients.

But is good customer service really all about schmoozing? I think not. Customers want us to deliver… on time, with quality and with a smile. Continue reading