Contradiction is all around us. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been told that the customer is always right. But as a customer, I often feel constrained by shop assistants and service providers unwilling to budge on a policy or process. Early in my career as a client service manager, I did my best to bow to clients’ often unrealistic demands, with a smile even. But I rarely saw the same from other client service staff and relationship managers. And I’ve often heard murmurings among friends and family that good customer service is dead.Continue reading
Tag Archives: customer loyalty
Did you catch my Expert360 article on customer loyalty?
How to Create Customer Loyalty in the Faceless Digital World
By Angeline Zaghloul for the Expert360 Blog – April 10, 2015
The success of your business depends on customer loyalty. In today’s digital, technology-ridden world, people are making critical buying decisions from behind a screen, rather than face to face. So how do you create and retain customer loyalty in this faceless digital world? Let’s start with defining customer loyalty.