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28 Ways to Manage Your Business Cashflows


Almost three-quarters of small businesses in Australia fail within their first five years.


Do you know why?

One of the top three reasons is... you guessed it... poor cashflow management.


Don't be one of these statistics!

Fill your details below and get access to my 28 effective ways to manage your business cashflows.


Follow just a handful of these tips each week and you will transform your business.

In this Cheat Sheet, you'll learn:

8 tactics

for more predictable

cash inflows

7 tactics

for smoothing

cash outflows

PLUS many more ways

to manage your

everyday business finances


About the Author:  Angeline Zaghloul is an expert in business strategy, client management and business processes, and is the Managing Director of Peer Business Consulting, a Sydney-based consultancy providing strategy and operations support to startups and SMEs. Angeline also publishes a regular blog which provides research, advice and tips on key issues facing businesses.

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